The Real Way to Get in Shape! - Try New Things & Follow Your Heart
So, you're on a mission. You meal-prepped a week's worth of salad's, bought yourself a quart-sized container of egg-whites to mix with spinach in the morning and have a handful of healthy snacks on deck for when you need someething. You scheduled some gym time for the week and told yourself with the realest focus and determination; "this-is-it." You do well for a few days and start to feel great. But you slowly become distracted. After a week, that elliptical starts becoming way less fun. You've lost your enthusiasm for egg whites, raw almonds and lettuce and forgot; which day is leg day?. You're tired, and most of all; bored. Sound familiar? It's called "yo-yo dieting." And guess what? We've all been there.
It's not easy today in a world where our supermarket's have 10x more fake food than real food and it's become impossible to go to a restaurant that will serve you, good, healthy meals that aren't covered in artificial seasonings, damaged vegetable oils and GMO's. It's why I do 99% of my own cooking.
But what's even harder is the gym routine. You might be one of the lucky few who can stick with a routine long enough to see and feel real results, and that's great! But to those of us who can't stomach another day of "today I'm going to hit the elliptical, try and stay awake long enough to do some bicep curls and a few pushups, then maybe hit the treadm...zzzzz." I know that's something I can't do though I give massive amounts of credit to the people that can! I hate the term "gym rats", but to those who are; respect.
I believe there is a way to hack this that comes in two simple steps; try new things and follow your heart.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Boxing or Kickboxing

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga, Taekwando, Karate, Judo and Muay Thai are all popular in the US, and increasingly so since MMA has increased rapidly in popularity. Martial arts can be different in philosophy but similar in teaching traditional and sometimes ancient principles. They will challenge you in different ways, focusing on technique, precision and timing over strength, power and speed. Like most gyms, most martial arts academies will offer a free introduction class or classes to see if it is right for you. Research different forms of martial arts and see what's right for you. If you have zero-experience- awesome. Learning something new can be a great way to become enlightened and spark curiosity. Don't shy away. Aside from learning new techniques, you will also get into the best shape of your life and meet some great people when you find the right place for you.
CrossFit is a training method that works to improve physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a hardcore yet encouraging environment. CrossFit is extremely different from a commercial gym and you won’t find any ellipticals, weight machines or treadmills. In a Crossfit "box," you'll work on what's called a WOD, or workout-of the day. CrossFit focuses on whole body functionality, keeping track of your progress and even nutrition! I know plenty of people who've seen amazing results from their local CrossFit box and have totally fallen in love. If you've got the guts, this method of training can definitely help you break through that plateau and take your fitness journey to greater heights.
Training for a Spartan Race, Tough Mudder or 5K

Hiking, dancing, or riding your bike can be great ways to free your mind and chase your fitness goals too! There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a routine when we have a goal of getting into shape but all share similar principles. Challenge yourself. Get sweaty. Push your limits when possible. Most importantly; find what's fun for you.
Someone told me a few days ago "but I can only do- like two push-ups" I said "Perfect. tomorrow morning do two, the next day- do three." We all start somewhere and we can't let anxiety and fear of the unknown get in our way. Don't be afraid to be a warrior in your own way. We can put a knot in our stomachs when we think about how bad we want it... that beach body, those abs, that flat stomach, toned arms or that unhealthy feeling to go away. Get out there and do it, don't be afraid. Try new things and find what you love. You have it in you.
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